David takes a look at the newest acquisition and refurbishment, Victoria Casino in Cork.
In 2019, Coastline Gaming acquired the Victoria Casino in Cork. The club is located next to the River Lee on St. Patrick’s Quay, part of Cork’s vibrant Victorian Quarter.
It is affectionately known by locals as “The Vic” and has built a good reputation for its casino and pool tables. Although we’ll be changing the name above the door to Victoria Casino, I imagine that old habits die hard and most of the crew will still call it The Vic.

In this picture from 1936 you can see The Vic’s distinctive peaked rooftop and archways on the other side of the river Lee.
I decided to do a bit of digging about the history of the building. Constructed in the 19th century this building was part of the booming merchant and textile industries that made Cork a vital hub for shipping. At first it was owned by J Atkins & Co Ltd where it sold farming equipment.

Then in 1986, it became the Victoria Sporting Club, an amusement arcade with pool & snooker that delivered entertainment and leisure to Cork’s citizens for over 30 years.

We’ve now kicked off a large internal refurbishment project following the acquisition.
The team aimed to modernise the club both inside and out, while honouring the rich history of the building and surrounding area. It was also important to establish an interior design that was consistent with the other 7 locations. The upstairs area will bid farewell to the pool tables, with space cleared out for new slot, poker and roulette machines. Along with internal refurbishments, a modern logo has been designed:
We’ve also prepared to begin a switchover from posters to digital display advertising to create a great dynamic experience inside the club.
I should be back with an update in a few months to show the final look.